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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thats what you get for waking up in Vegas

Unfortunately my post yesterday was mega-rushed because I only had 15 minutes of interweb left. So I left out some good moments.
For example, in the airport I was checking my bags when I noticed a sign that read aerosol cans not permitted on planes. Risk of 500,000$ fine. i remembered I had bug spray in my bag and freaked out and proceeded to run onto the belt that was taking my bag away and told the guy that I though I had bug spray in an aerosol can. He looked at me as if i were a crazy person and said as long as it had a top on it, it was fine. Sheepishly, I got off the luggage belt and went to check in.
The girl I am currently sharing a room with is the weirdest person ever. I forget if I said I got upgraded to a female dorm because the budget dorm was full. Anyway so i paid only 19$ and got a 27$ room. sweet as. I went down to renew yesterday and the guy tried to charge me 27$ and i was like no way, so he went down to 20$. i was pretty excited about that. anyway, this girl is the only other person in the room and her bag is locked up like she's left it on the curb, when there are 3 locked doors to get into our dorm. I'm talking chains everywhere, like 4 locks. Wild. She's also the cheapest person I've ever met. she got up at 630 to take an early ferry because it was 15$ instead of 25$. and that's just the beginning, in Byron Bay she arrived by bus at midnight and decided it was no use to get a hostel, she would just sleep on the beach! an 18 yr old girl! alone! a guy took pity on her and let her sleep on his couch in a house full of 8 boys. sounds like a terrible idea to me... she volunteered on a whitsundays boat so she could go for free, but had to clean for like 5 hours a day. yuck. she also has been living off of a box of cereal for the past week. she always takes everything off of the free food shelves in hostels. she is just insane. she always knows where to get free internet (no free mcdonald's internet here...lame!) anyway, she has made me feel like the least thrifty person ever.
Last night I got a free upgrade dinner and it was so good. I met this french guy who told me new zealand is awful and that i should leave straight away. cool, thanks buddy. the girls in my apartment (there are 5 dorms) are really lovely.
I'm meeting up with Robyn and Nicole today to do the coast to coast walk, involving climbing the One Tree Hill volcano! awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I can appreciate taking an early ferry for cheaper and getting free internet; I don't know about sleeping on a beach or a random guy's couch though! So glad you've arrived safely in NZ!
