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Sunday, March 21, 2010

if you ain't got no money take your broke broke home

Last night was horrific. Had a lovely afternoon at Kings Park, got an iced lolly and relaxed on the grass. Actually slept in the grass in the park rather than at a random round-about. Nice.
Had a super fancy dinner of microwave stew that I forgot about. It may or may not have made me decide to become a veg-o again... Rank as.
The girls drove us to the airport (thank you!!) where there was free internet. Really good way to pass the time before check-in. There were little kids running around with iPhones chattering about free wireless. I can't imagine having an iPhone at that age, much less knowing how to use one.
I slept really well on the plane, but the woman beside me kept gagging because of the massive turbulence. I flew Tiger Airways, which is a budget airline that has a really bad reputation, kind-of like Ryan Air. They cancel flights and don' refund your money and stuff. But I had no issues. Apparently there is even a TV show about how bad it is. For take-off, I'm pretty sure it was the pilot's first flight and that the plane was approxmately one thousand years old. something was broken and rattling about. I felt so safe. Take-off was insanely shaky and the wheels didnt go up at the right time so the plane sort of kept bumping the ground. There was turbulence for most of the flight (I was told) and loads of people vommed, but I was great. Best sleep ever.
Got to Melbourne around 330am and we tried to sleep, but there was techno music blaring. really...why? it was so irritating. No one needs that at 330am. Also, heaps of business people were about and staring at Rocko and I. Come on, now, people sleep at the airport all the time... I bought an ice cream from Makker's and it was the biggest one ever, loved it.
We left for St Kilda around 7am and got there with no dramas. We found a cool hostel called Coffeepalace. We got there just in time for free crepe brekky and then watched tv for a while. I tooka walk on the beach and got to talking with some kite surfers. Ended up booking a certification course for this thursday and friday. I'm excited!
Just woke up from a little nap and am going to explore st kilda, there are penguins on the pier apparently, and some cool cafes. I definitely need coffee.
Just found out the Grand Prix races are this weekend so all the hostels are fully booked. Interesting... I might be homeless after Great Ocean Road. Grand Prix is on the day after I leave too, so I can't even go. Lame as. The kite surfers offered me a room in their house but I'm not too sure if thats a good idea. We'll see how desperate I get.

1 comment:

  1. You should invest in a tent, rather than staying with potential sketch-bags. Hope you're enjoying your gap yah! I'll let Tarquin know you're not available to go shopping.
